Contents  |  ". "Post List  |  ". "All images gallery  |  ". "Old list"; if ($_REQUEST['opt']) he_list(); else ioe_list(); echo "

\n". html5_validator_link() . "RWH     ". php_file_date() . "\n
\n\n\n"; exit; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- function he_list() { global $_g; require_once('../incl/jpgstudy.php'); $dhn=open_photdb(); set_sz_coo(); unset($_POST); if ($_COOKIE['thsz']< 32) $_COOKIE['thsz']= 64; if ($_COOKIE['thsz']>400) $_COOKIE['thsz']=400; set_sz_coo(); ?>

Coal and Wine Tax Posts on the Historic England Website

\n"; $sres=do_query("select * from `cowioe` order by isnull(`Seq No`), `Seq No`, `ref`"); while (($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($sres))!=FALSE) { do1ioe_item($row); } echo "\n
\n"; } function do1ioe_item($row) { global $_g, $img_f; # echo ""; varx($row); if (substr($row['ref'],0,2)!='LE') { $imid=str_replace('/','_',strtolower($row['ref'])); $imad="$imid"; } # Updates section -------------- if (!$row['asprat'] && isset($_REQUEST['asprat'])) { # set aspect ratio $img_f=file_get_contents($imad); do1image(); # in jpgstudy.php $asprat=round($_g['imd']['width']/$_g['imd']['height'],3); $qs="update `cowioe` set `asprat`=$asprat where `ref`='{$row['ref']}'"; do_query($qs); echo $qs; } if ($_g['grsct']<16 && !strlen($row['gr_lis'])) { $_g['grsct']++; $htxt=file_get_contents("". $row['ref']); if (($j2=strpos($htxt,'ing NGR'))!=0) { $ngr=trim(substr($htxt,$j2+8,strpos($htxt,"<",$j2)-$j2-8)); $qs="update `cowioe` set `gr_lis`='$ngr' where `ref`='{$row['ref']}'"; do_query($qs); $res="NGR: $ngr"; } else { $res="*** no NGR"; } $row['location'].="
$res"; } $gr_loc=""; if (($jl=strpos($row['location'],'TL')) || ($jq=strpos($row['location'],'TQ'))) { if (!$jl) $jl=$jq; $j2=$jl+4; while (strpos("`0123456789 ",substr($row['location'],$j2,1))) { $j2++; } $gr_loc=str_replace(array(',',' '),"", substr($row['location'],$jl,$j2-$jl)); } if (strlen($gr_loc) && !strlen($row['gr_loc'])) { $qs="update `cowioe` set `gr_loc`='$gr_loc' where `ref`='{$row['ref']}'"; do_query($qs); echo $qs; } if (strlen($row['gr_lis']) && (!strlen($row['Seq No']) || $row['Seq No']>999)) { # Search my list by Grid Ref for possible match $qs="select * from `coalwine` where length(`Grid Ref`) group by `Grid Ref`"; $gres=do_query($qs); while(false!=($grow=mysql_fetch_assoc($gres))) { $dist=gr_diff($row['gr_lis'],$grow['Grid Ref']); if ($dist<250) { $hits[]=array($grow['Seq No'],$dist); $hitxt.="{$grow['Grid Ref']} $dist | "; } } if (count($hits)) $hitxt="\n
$hitxt"; if (count($hits)==1 && $hits[0][1]<150 && !strlen($row['Seq No'])) { $qs="update `cowioe` set `Seq No`='{$hits[0][0]}' where `ref`='{$row['ref']}'"; do_query($qs); $hitxt.="** added as Post {$hits[0][0]}"; } } # End of updates section -------------- $ref="{$row['ref']}
\n". wikilinks("[[#{$row['gr_lis']}]]\n"); if (strlen($row['gr_loc']) && ($dist=gr_diff($row['gr_lis'],$row['gr_loc']))>140) { $row['location'] .= "
\n** Grid refs disagree by $dist metres"; } $my_th=""; if (strlen($row['Seq No'])) { $ref .= "
Post {$row['Seq No']}\n"; $key=substr(1000+$row['Seq No'],1,3); $qs="select * from `general` where `gal`='cw' and `seqno`>'$key' order by `seqno` limit 1"; $gres=do_query($qs); $grow=mysql_fetch_assoc($gres); if ($grow['width']>0 && substr($grow['seqno'],0,3)==$key) { $dims=mk_dims($grow['width']/$grow['height']); $my_th= "
". "
\n"; } elseif ($row['Seq No']<999) { $my_th= "No image yet for
Post {$row['Seq No']}\n"; } } $he_th=""; if ($row['asprat']) { $dims=mk_dims($row['asprat']); $he_th="
". "". "$imid
\n"; } echo "$my_th$he_th". "$ref{$row['date']}{$row['location']}$hitxt\n\n"; } function mk_dims($asprat) { global $_g; $arcrit=1.0; if ($asprat<$arcrit) { $h=$_COOKIE['thsz']; $w=round($_COOKIE['thsz']*$asprat); } else { $w=$_COOKIE['thsz']; $h=round($_COOKIE['thsz']/$asprat); } return "style='width: {$w}px; height: {$h}px;'"; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- function ioe_list() { global $_g; # Lists 236 items but some are marked "NoI" ?>

Coal and Wine Tax Posts on the Images of England Website

IoE No.Img
IoE No.Img
NoIIn these cases the "No image available" is genuine. But try in a few months time - they may appear.

News of the World,  October 31, 1999,  Page 42
Pigsties on the internet
An army of volunteer photographers are putting thousands of architectural gems on film — including 489 pigsties, 663 public loos, 2,195 phone boxes and Battersea power station.
Their three-year picture survey of all England's 360,000 listed buildings will be posted on the Internet.
Well, perhaps three years was a bit optimistic.

Both the images below use the advertsised code:
<script src="" data-image-id="ioe01_16705_14" data-width="100%" data-max-width="2048px" data-theme="aco"></script>
The image above is set in:
<td style='width: 319px;'>
Nothing happens if you left click on it and right click just gives a protection screen with no links.

The image above is set in:
<td style='width: 320px;'>
Left click provides zoom and right click gives embed information.
ioe01_16705_14 ioe01_04284_09

\n\n". "\n\n". "\n\n"; exit; } ?>