Great to hear from you! I spoke to Dr. Belinda Coyte last year. She must be a close relative of yours. Five(?) years ago I wrote Patty, the pm's granddaughter. We had a nice, though brief, correspondence. Our Dakin Website has Dakins, Daykins, Dacons, Deakins, Deakynes and Dakeynes from four countries, three continents, and they all claim descent from (or a tie to) the man who penned the motto, "Strike Dakin (or variant), strike, the devil's in the hemp." That was Arthur Dakyn(s) in 1563 (no present-day descendants). His great-nephew Richard Dakeyne adopted the motto and a differenced coat of arms in 1611. Richard and Arthur both were naval heroes, most likely one against pirates, one against Spaniards (1588), both considered "devils". These men were climbing the hempen rope (with grappling hooks) thrown across by the attacking vessel's crew onto the Dakin's/Dakeyne's ship. You can understand how over centuries spelling can vary widely, while keeping something of the original in mind. In any case, we are all searching for the elusive common ancestor. We are even into a DNA check now. If you want to join our site just let me know. Any questions about anything at all please email me. Daryl dakin@tartannet.ns.ca Notify Administrator about this message?
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