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St Clement Eastcheap
2009-07-08 21:33:51 Fr:tq3280_091 Sq:bm244451
2009-07-08 19:46:23 Fr:tq3280_088 Sq:bm244623 2009-07-08 19:46:23 Fr:tq3280_088 Sq:bm244623 2009-07-08 19:46:23 Fr:tq3280_088 Sq:bm244623
See this description of sword rests. This specimen is in the Church of St Clement Eastcheap. It is still in place in this photograph (on the left) and in this photograph (on the right) but every year since 1998 we have removed it before our mystery play performances so that it does not obstruct the audience's view. See also a few sword rests still in situ including the one in Southark Cathedral above. Just above the City shield is an horizontal ring. The tip of the sword is inserted upwards through this ring, then the handle is rested on the dished plate at the bottom.
Below the City shield is a coat of arms which bears the motto "Strike Dakin strike". Asking Google about the motto, we find Kelly's Directory for Derbyshire, 1891 which tells us that in St Peter's Church Fairfield there is a mural tablet to William Dakin, a merchant of London (1848) with the singular motto of that family, "Strike, Dakin, strike; the Devil's in the Hemp". (Here the punctuation gives an indication of who is supposed to be striking whom!) The church's website does not mention the tablet but tells of two other Dakins in the graveyard.
In fact the rest was probably presented to the church by Thomas Dakin (1808-1889) who was a Lord Mayor. This page (cached copy) on Deakins of Australia and England gives a good explanation of what the motto means.
Another Google hit comes from an unlikely source: small town Minnesota, in this article (cached copy) from the Kanabec County Times about someone being busted with $1000 dollars worth of pot [= Cannabis = hemp]. It definitely must be small town because the story has generated forty eight comments! One of these (search text for Dakin) is from someone who still has the family motto word perfect after seven generations.
2008-08-14 00:00:00 Fr:929827 Sq:bm2467
Sword rest and pew in Holy Trinity Church, Kendal, Westmorland. (Copied from this geograph page © Copyright John Salmon and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.) I find to my surprise that I first saw a sword rest fifty years ago (although I was not introduced to it at the time) when I took part in Kendal Grammar School activities held in the Parish Church. I do not need an high resolution version of the image to tell me that the motto under this shield is pannus mihi panis meaning wool [literally cloth] is my bread.


London Stones and Crowstomes

2007-02-07 14:34:23 Fr:tq7671_056 Sq:bm407143423
2007-02-07 14:34:47 Fr:tq7671_057 Sq:bm407143447
2007-02-07 14:35:15 Fr:tq7671_058 Sq:bm407143515
2007-02-07 14:35:27 Fr:tq7671_059 Sq:bm407143527
2007-02-07 14:35:48 Fr:tq7671_060 Sq:bm407143548
2007-02-07 14:36:41 Fr:tq7671_061 Sq:bm407143641
2007-02-07 14:37:27 Fr:tq7671_062 Sq:bm407143727
2007-02-07 14:38:00 Fr:tq7671_063 Sq:bm407143800
2007-02-07 14:41:17 Fr:tq7671_064 Sq:bm407144117 2007-02-07 14:41:17 Fr:tq7671_064 Sq:bm407144117 2007-02-07 14:41:17 Fr:tq7671_064 Sq:bm407144117
2007-02-07 14:42:02 Fr:tq7671_065 Sq:bm407144202

Crowstone (riparian)
2010-06-22 19:35:41 Fr:tq8585_258 Sq:bm422193541
2010-06-22 19:43:02 Fr:tq8585_259 Sq:bm422194302
2010-06-22 19:43:28 Fr:tq8585_260 Sq:bm422194328
2010-06-22 19:43:40 Fr:tq8585_261 Sq:bm422194340
2010-06-22 19:44:43 Fr:tq8585_264 Sq:bm422194443
2010-06-22 19:46:04 Fr:tq8585_265 Sq:bm422194604
2010-06-22 19:47:00 Fr:tq8585_268 Sq:bm422194700
2010-06-22 19:53:50 Fr:tq8585_276 Sq:bm422195350
2010-06-22 20:08:47 Fr:tq8585_277 Sq:bm422200847
2010-06-22 20:11:21 Fr:tq8585_279 Sq:bm422201121
2010-06-22 20:13:51 Fr:tq8585_280 Sq:bm422201351
2010-04-04 12:03:10 Fr:tq8585_1785590 Sq:bm4222014

Crowstone (Priory Park)
2010-06-22 20:31:09 Fr:tq8787_282 Sq:bm422203109
2010-06-22 20:32:04 Fr:tq8787_283 Sq:bm422203204
2010-06-22 20:32:48 Fr:tq8787_284 Sq:bm422203248
2010-06-22 20:33:39 Fr:tq8787_285 Sq:bm422203339 2010-06-22 20:33:39 Fr:tq8787_285 Sq:bm422203339 2010-06-22 20:33:39 Fr:tq8787_285 Sq:bm422203339
2010-06-22 20:36:06 Fr:tq8787_286 Sq:bm422203606
2010-06-22 20:38:09 Fr:tq8787_287 Sq:bm422203809
2010-06-22 20:28:24 Fr:tq8787_281 Sq:bm4222041 2010-06-22 20:28:24 Fr:tq8787_281 Sq:bm4222041 2010-06-22 20:28:24 Fr:tq8787_281 Sq:bm4222041
2010-06-22 20:42:08 Fr:tq8787_290 Sq:bm422204208
2010-06-22 20:46:48 Fr:tq8787_292 Sq:bm422204648
2010-06-22 20:48:49 Fr:tq8787_295 Sq:bm422204849
2010-06-22 21:02:11 Fr:tq8787_299 Sq:bm422210211

Yantlett Creek
2010-06-23 18:03:02 Fr:tq8678_1109458 Sq:bm423180302
2007-01-31 14:56:16 Fr:tq8776_317 Sq:bm431145616
2007-01-31 14:56:58 Fr:tq8776_318 Sq:bm431145658
2007-01-31 15:02:20 Fr:tq8777_319 Sq:bm431150220 2007-01-31 15:02:20 Fr:tq8777_319 Sq:bm431150220 2007-01-31 15:02:20 Fr:tq8777_319 Sq:bm431150220
2007-01-31 15:02:56 Fr:tq8777_320 Sq:bm431150256
2007-01-31 15:12:51 Fr:tq8775_321 Sq:bm431151251 2007-01-31 15:12:51 Fr:tq8775_321 Sq:bm431151251 2007-01-31 15:12:51 Fr:tq8775_321 Sq:bm431151251
2007-01-31 15:43:34 Fr:tq8478_327 Sq:bm431154334 2007-01-31 15:43:34 Fr:tq8478_327 Sq:bm431154334 2007-01-31 15:43:34 Fr:tq8478_327 Sq:bm431154334
2007-01-31 15:44:42 Fr:tq8478_328 Sq:bm431154442
2007-01-31 15:56:11 Fr:tq8578_329 Sq:bm431155611
2007-01-31 15:57:56 Fr:tq8578_330 Sq:bm431155756
2007-01-31 16:04:31 Fr:tq8578_331 Sq:bm431160431
2007-01-31 16:06:15 Fr:tq8578_333 Sq:bm431160615
2007-01-31 16:10:06 Fr:tq8678_334 Sq:bm431161006
2007-01-31 16:10:29 Fr:tq8678_335 Sq:bm431161029
2007-01-31 16:16:18 Fr:tq8678_336 Sq:bm431161618
2007-01-31 16:16:42 Fr:tq8678_337 Sq:bm431161642
2007-01-31 16:22:10 Fr:tq8678_339 Sq:bm4311619
2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338 Sq:bm4311620
2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621 2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621 2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621
This is identical to the previous image except that some Wikimedian lightened it
2007-01-31 16:23:48 Fr:tq8678_340 Sq:bm431162348
2007-01-31 16:24:37 Fr:tq8678_341 Sq:bm431162437
2007-01-31 16:25:47 Fr:tq8678_342 Sq:bm431162547
2007-01-31 16:28:43 Fr:tq8678_344 Sq:bm431162843 2007-01-31 16:28:43 Fr:tq8678_344 Sq:bm431162843 2007-01-31 16:28:43 Fr:tq8678_344 Sq:bm431162843
2007-01-31 16:31:47 Fr:tq8678_346 Sq:bm431163147
2007-01-31 16:48:36 Fr:tq8578_348 Sq:bm431164836
2007-01-31 16:49:35 Fr:tq8578_349 Sq:bm431164935 2007-01-31 16:49:35 Fr:tq8578_349 Sq:bm431164935 2007-01-31 16:49:35 Fr:tq8578_349 Sq:bm431164935
2007-01-31 16:53:30 Fr:tq8578_350 Sq:bm431165330
2010-06-22 16:06:11 Fr:tq8678_249 Sq:bm44160611
2010-06-22 16:33:02 Fr:tq8678_250 Sq:bm44163302
2010-06-22 16:33:37 Fr:tq8678_251 Sq:bm44163337
2010-06-22 16:34:57 Fr:tq8678_252 Sq:bm44163457
2010-06-22 16:49:05 Fr:tq8578_254 Sq:bm44164905
2010-06-22 16:49:50 Fr:tq8578_255 Sq:bm44164950


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