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Suffolk   2011 April

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Oulton Broad
2011-04-26 14:47:10 Fr:114391 Sq:270791
2011-04-27 08:16:40 Fr:114408 Sq:27081640
2011-04-27 08:16:54 Fr:114409 Sq:27081654
2011-04-27 08:18:30 Fr:114411 Sq:27081830
2011-04-27 08:31:13 Fr:114412 Sq:27083113
2011-04-27 08:36:47 Fr:114414 Sq:270833
The Wherry Inn
2011-04-27 08:34:12 Fr:114413 Sq:27083412
bar of the Wherry Inn
2011-04-27 09:38:39 Fr:114444 Sq:270835
It took me a little while to work out why the room keys of the Wherry Inn have these big wooden fobs. The boats in the background may give a clue. If the key is dropped overboard, it will float.
2011-04-27 08:37:31 Fr:114415 Sq:27083731
2011-04-27 08:40:49 Fr:114418 Sq:27084049
0000-00-00 00:00:00 Fr:114421w Sq:27084130
2011-04-27 08:44:31 Fr:114425 Sq:27084431
2011-04-27 08:47:51 Fr:114427 Sq:27084751
2011-04-27 08:50:19 Fr:114430 Sq:27085019
2011-04-27 08:51:02 Fr:114432 Sq:27085102
2011-04-27 08:52:17 Fr:114434 Sq:27085217
2011-04-27 08:53:02 Fr:114436 Sq:27085302
2011-04-27 08:55:08 Fr:114437 Sq:27085508
2011-04-27 08:57:18 Fr:114440 Sq:27085718
2011-04-27 08:59:36 Fr:114442 Sq:27085936
2011-04-27 09:39:22 Fr:114446 Sq:27093922
2011-04-27 09:39:47 Fr:114447 Sq:27093947
2011-04-27 09:58:09 Fr:114448 Sq:27095809
Lowestoft Museum


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