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Holy Isle, Samye Ling, etc.   2010 October onwards

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2010-10-11 12:51:26 Fr:10a301 Sq:11125126
Crazy golf in Shore Road. If you follow the line of the Forth Railway Bridge to the horizon, you can just see a dot which is Hunterston Nuclear Power Station. I thought this would go nicely on Geograph but unfortunately they have …
0000-00-00 00:00:00 Fr:g1860394 Sq:111252
Crazy golf - from here on Geograph
2010-10-11 13:22:10 Fr:10a302 Sq:11132210
2010-10-11 13:24:04 Fr:10a303 Sq:11132404
2010-10-11 13:25:56 Fr:10a304 Sq:11132556
2010-10-11 13:29:46 Fr:10a305 Sq:11132946
2010-10-11 13:49:10 Fr:10a300 Sq:111348
2010-10-11 13:49:07 Fr:10a306 Sq:11134907
2010-10-11 13:49:15 Fr:10a307 Sq:11134915
2010-10-11 13:59:16 Fr:10a308 Sq:11135916
2010-10-11 14:02:01 Fr:10a309 Sq:11140201
2010-10-11 14:02:44 Fr:10a310 Sq:11140244
2010-10-11 14:08:25 Fr:10a311 Sq:11140825
2010-10-11 14:41:55 Fr:10a312 Sq:11144155
2010-10-11 14:43:22 Fr:10a313 Sq:11144322


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