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New York City - 2016 December 20 - 29

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2016-12-28 12:20:30 Fr:16C344 Sq:23124506
Clearly the subway builders were not familiar with deep tube building techniques. There was a fatal accident during construction in 1903 and in 2009 an eight metre long section of the brick lining collapsed.
2016-12-28 12:22:48 Fr:16C346 Sq:23124514
And even here, if we look in the opposite direction along the platform, they have reverted to their beloved pillars.
2016-12-28 12:28:45 Fr:16C347 Sq:23124518
But by the time we get to Dyckman Street the subway has become overground.

Liberty Island
2016-12-23 14:18:23 Fr:16C080 Sq:23131823
World Trade Center 1 lurking behind other buildings seen from Battery Park
2016-12-23 13:38:33 Fr:16C079 Sq:23133833
Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus, a sonnet which appears on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. It includes the words: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
To get us in the mood, they force us into an huddled mass waiting for the security screening which is almost as strict as airport security.
2016-12-23 14:28:51 Fr:16C081 Sq:23142851
2016-12-23 14:29:34 Fr:16C082 Sq:23142934
2016-12-23 14:52:16 Fr:16C083 Sq:23145216
2017-01-16 19:37:49 Fr:16C084ps Sq:23145220
Picasa's pathetic attempt at stitching together four images of downtown Manhattan
2016-12-23 14:52:27 Fr:16C084ws Sq:23145232
Windows Live Photo Gallery's superb bit of stitching. The new One World Trade Center is in the center.
2016-12-23 14:54:16 Fr:16C088 Sq:23145416
2016-12-23 14:56:48 Fr:16C089 Sq:23145648
2016-12-23 15:06:43 Fr:16C090 Sq:23150643
2016-12-23 15:10:56 Fr:16C091 Sq:23151056
2016-12-23 15:11:07 Fr:16C092 Sq:23151107
2016-12-23 15:11:59 Fr:16C093 Sq:23151159
2016-12-23 15:13:02 Fr:16C094 Sq:23151302
2016-12-23 15:13:35 Fr:16C095 Sq:23151335
2016-12-23 15:13:48 Fr:16C096 Sq:23151348
2016-12-23 15:14:21 Fr:16C097 Sq:23151421
2016-12-23 15:16:47 Fr:16C098 Sq:23151647
These crude dog outlines at the foot of the pedestal are pivoted to move about in the wind and in fact are very effective at scaring away the seagulls
2016-12-23 15:37:31 Fr:16C099 Sq:23153731
2016-12-23 15:41:03 Fr:16C100 Sq:23154103

World Trade Center
2016-12-23 17:35:31 Fr:16C107 Sq:231655
2016-12-23 16:57:53 Fr:16C102 Sq:23165753
0000-00-00 00:00:00 Fr:911mem01 Sq:231658
0000-00-00 00:00:00 Fr:voids_02 Sq:23165802
2016-12-23 16:58:05 Fr:16C103 Sq:23165805
2016-12-31 16:10:46 Fr:tranhub Sq:2317
2016-12-23 17:06:18 Fr:16C104 Sq:23170618
2016-12-23 17:06:26 Fr:16C105 Sq:23170626
2016-12-23 17:09:21 Fr:16C106 Sq:23170921
2016-12-23 17:37:45 Fr:16C108 Sq:23173745
2016-12-23 17:46:32 Fr:16C109 Sq:23174632
2016-12-23 17:52:30 Fr:16C110 Sq:23175230
2016-12-23 17:55:27 Fr:16C111 Sq:23175527
2016-12-23 17:59:35 Fr:16C112 Sq:23175935
2016-12-23 19:24:46 Fr:16C113 Sq:23192446
2016-12-23 19:25:33 Fr:16C114 Sq:23192533
2016-12-23 19:40:11 Fr:16C115 Sq:23194011
2016-12-23 19:42:18 Fr:16C116 Sq:23194218
2016-12-23 20:41:15 Fr:16C119 Sq:23204115

Grand Central Terminal
2016-12-24 11:10:31 Fr:16C122 Sq:24111031
2016-12-24 11:11:00 Fr:16C123 Sq:24111100
2016-12-24 11:12:57 Fr:16C124 Sq:24111257
2016-12-24 11:14:28 Fr:16C125 Sq:24111428
2016-12-24 11:16:20 Fr:16C126 Sq:24111620
2016-12-24 11:18:54 Fr:16C127 Sq:24111854
2016-12-24 11:19:51 Fr:16C128 Sq:24111951
2016-12-24 11:20:16 Fr:16C129 Sq:24112016
2016-12-24 11:20:59 Fr:16C130 Sq:24112059
2016-12-24 11:21:43 Fr:16C131 Sq:24112143
2016-12-24 11:22:43 Fr:16C132 Sq:24112243
2016-12-24 11:26:14 Fr:16C133 Sq:24112614
2016-12-24 11:26:55 Fr:16C134 Sq:24112655
2016-12-24 11:39:33 Fr:16C135 Sq:24113933
2016-12-24 11:40:15 Fr:16C136 Sq:24114015
2016-12-24 11:51:51 Fr:16C137 Sq:24115151
2016-12-24 11:52:18 Fr:16C138 Sq:24115218
2016-12-24 11:53:52 Fr:16C139 Sq:24115352
2016-12-24 11:57:26 Fr:16C140 Sq:24115726
This rather sweet mini fire truck is stationed within the terminal because ceiling heights especially down at the platforms would not allow a regular truck in.
2016-12-24 12:03:52 Fr:16C141 Sq:24120352
One of the few sensible things that Americans do is talk about "track" numbers not platform numbers.

Up the Hudson
2016-12-24 12:36:30 Fr:16C142 Sq:24123630
2016-12-24 12:37:21 Fr:16C143 Sq:24123721
2016-12-24 12:42:01 Fr:16C144 Sq:24124201
2016-12-24 12:54:34 Fr:16C145 Sq:24125434
2016-12-24 12:57:05 Fr:16C146 Sq:24125705
The Girl on the Train
2015-11-14 19:12:50 Fr:girlard Sq:241313
2016-12-24 13:13:25 Fr:16C147cr Sq:24131325 2016-12-24 13:13:25 Fr:16C147cr Sq:24131325 2016-12-24 13:13:25 Fr:16C147cr Sq:24131325
2016-12-24 14:22:50 Fr:16C165 Sq:241315

2016-12-24 13:16:25 Fr:16C149 Sq:24131625
2016-12-24 13:16:33 Fr:16C150 Sq:24131633
2016-12-24 13:21:24 Fr:16C151 Sq:24132124
2017-02-07 21:57:27 Fr:Ard-Hud13l Sq:24132127
Google Street View - 2013 Jan
2017-02-07 22:21:57 Fr:Ard-Hud13r Sq:24132128
2016-12-24 13:29:05 Fr:16C152 Sq:24132905
++++ use Draft:Steves & Sons. Link to more similar from previous US trip.
2016-12-24 13:31:53 Fr:16C153 Sq:24133153
Dump no waste - drains to waterways, ie. to the Hudson. See message cast into the plate at the bottom of the photo. Compare with "no dumping" photos in other parts of the USA.
2016-12-24 13:33:38 Fr:16C154 Sq:24133338
2016-12-24 13:39:19 Fr:16C155 Sq:24133919
2016-12-24 13:50:06 Fr:16C156 Sq:24135006
2016-12-24 13:50:43 Fr:16C157 Sq:24135043
2016-12-24 13:51:31 Fr:16C158 Sq:24135131
2016-12-24 13:52:40 Fr:16C159 Sq:24135240
2016-12-24 13:54:59 Fr:16C160 Sq:24135459

Tappan Zee Bridge
2016-12-24 14:12:23 Fr:16C163 Sq:24141223
2016-12-24 14:12:49 Fr:16C164 Sq:24141249
As well as being at full capacity, they are worried that the present bridge may collapse because it was built on the cheap and uses the same style as a bridge in Minneapolis which collapsed in 2007.
The location of this bridge was chosen because it was the closest they could get to New York City without the bridge coming under the Port Authority who would have demanded the tolls. Compare with the Thames where the City of London's control of the river extends a long way up and downstream from the city.

Sing Sing
2017-01-02 13:54:38 Fr:sngsng01 Sq:241423
Officially Sing Sing Correctional Facility. Americans still cling to the notion that prison can correct people. They bang up 478 per 100,000 of their population — three and half times the European rate.
I found this undated image on this web page. Curiously, I need to flop it to get a very close match to my image:
2016-12-24 14:23:16 Fr:16C167 Sq:24142316
The telephone poles nearer to the tower are gone but the lattice towers carrying various railroad cables seem totally unchanged.
2016-12-24 14:23:10 Fr:16C166 Sq:24142320

2016-12-24 14:28:04 Fr:16C168 Sq:24142804
2016-12-24 14:52:05 Fr:16C169 Sq:24145205
Croton Point Park
2016-12-24 15:42:16 Fr:16C170 Sq:24154216
This map dated 1931 shows an area of marsh. Since then its use as a landfill site has turned it into 30 metre high hill. It has now been capped off with soil but such sites continue to generate methane for years afterwards. This manhole is one of the methane vents.
2016-12-24 15:43:41 Fr:16C171 Sq:24154341
2016-12-24 16:02:46 Fr:16C174 Sq:241544
I think these rock filled ditches and embankments are are to catch storm water and prevent big flows which might carry soil away.
2016-12-24 15:51:41 Fr:16C172 Sq:24155141
2016-12-24 15:54:04 Fr:16C173 Sq:24155404
2016-12-24 16:09:37 Fr:16C175 Sq:24160937
2016-12-24 16:15:39 Fr:16C176 Sq:24161539 2016-12-24 16:15:39 Fr:16C176 Sq:24161539 2016-12-24 16:15:39 Fr:16C176 Sq:24161539
2016-12-24 16:20:24 Fr:16C177 Sq:24162024
2016-12-24 16:24:03 Fr:16C179 Sq:24162403
2016-12-24 16:51:10 Fr:16C180 Sq:24165110
2016-12-24 16:54:24 Fr:16C182 Sq:24165424

Flushing on December 25
2016-12-25 10:27:23 Fr:16C186 Sq:25102723
2016-12-25 10:41:45 Fr:16C188 Sq:25104145
2016-12-25 10:42:33 Fr:16C189 Sq:25104233
2016-12-25 10:44:24 Fr:16C190 Sq:25104424
2016-12-25 10:40:26 Fr:16C187 Sq:251045
2016-12-25 10:46:15 Fr:16C191 Sq:25104615
2016-12-25 12:16:03 Fr:16C193 Sq:25121603
2016-12-25 12:16:29 Fr:16C194 Sq:25121629
2016-12-25 12:16:56 Fr:16C195 Sq:25121656
2016-12-25 12:18:45 Fr:16C196 Sq:25121845
2016-12-25 12:19:28 Fr:16C197 Sq:25121928
2016-12-25 12:25:31 Fr:16C198 Sq:25122531
2016-12-25 13:23:52 Fr:16C199 Sq:25132352
2016-12-25 13:26:13 Fr:16C200 Sq:25132613

Fox Oaks, etc.
2016-12-25 13:30:26 Fr:16CT86 Sq:25133026
2016-12-25 13:41:10 Fr:16C202 Sq:25134110
2016-12-25 13:43:44 Fr:16C204 Sq:25134344
2016-12-25 13:44:19 Fr:16C205 Sq:25134419
2016-12-25 13:47:43 Fr:16C207 Sq:25134743
2016-12-25 13:50:45 Fr:16C210 Sq:25135045
2016-12-25 13:53:12 Fr:16C211 Sq:25135312
2016-12-25 14:01:32 Fr:16C214 Sq:25140132
2016-12-25 14:09:07 Fr:16C215 Sq:25140907
2016-12-25 15:05:40 Fr:16C217 Sq:25150540
2016-12-25 15:07:20 Fr:16C218 Sq:25150720
2016-12-25 16:01:32 Fr:16C219 Sq:25160132
2016-12-25 16:05:05 Fr:16C220 Sq:25160505
2016-12-25 16:08:21 Fr:16C221 Sq:25160821
2016-12-25 16:14:17 Fr:16C222 Sq:25161417
2016-12-25 16:15:02 Fr:16C223 Sq:25161502
2016-12-25 16:15:54 Fr:16C224 Sq:25161554
2016-12-25 16:17:15 Fr:16C226 Sq:25161715
2016-12-25 16:19:33 Fr:16C227 Sq:25161933
2016-12-25 16:20:35 Fr:16C228 Sq:25162035
2016-12-25 16:28:12 Fr:16C229 Sq:25162812
2016-12-25 16:30:11 Fr:16C230 Sq:25163011
2016-12-25 16:31:52 Fr:16C231 Sq:25163152
2016-12-25 16:35:33 Fr:16C232 Sq:25163533
2016-12-25 16:42:51 Fr:16C233 Sq:25164251
Light going. Took busses. Landed up at Woodhaven Boulevard station. Walked west along Jamaica Avenue. Had a drink. Walked further west and caught the J or Z train from 85 Street - Forest Parkway back into Manhattan.


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