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New York City - 2016 December 20 - 29

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Liberty Island
2016-12-23 14:18:23 Fr:16C080 Sq:23131823
World Trade Center 1 lurking behind other buildings seen from Battery Park
2016-12-23 13:38:33 Fr:16C079 Sq:23133833
Emma Lazarus wrote The New Colossus, a sonnet which appears on a plaque in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. It includes the words: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
To get us in the mood, they force us into an huddled mass waiting for the security screening which is almost as strict as airport security.
2016-12-23 14:28:51 Fr:16C081 Sq:23142851
2016-12-23 14:29:34 Fr:16C082 Sq:23142934
2016-12-23 14:52:16 Fr:16C083 Sq:23145216
2017-01-16 19:37:49 Fr:16C084ps Sq:23145220
Picasa's pathetic attempt at stitching together four images of downtown Manhattan
2016-12-23 14:52:27 Fr:16C084ws Sq:23145232
Windows Live Photo Gallery's superb bit of stitching. The new One World Trade Center is in the center.
2016-12-23 14:54:16 Fr:16C088 Sq:23145416
2016-12-23 14:56:48 Fr:16C089 Sq:23145648
2016-12-23 15:06:43 Fr:16C090 Sq:23150643
2016-12-23 15:10:56 Fr:16C091 Sq:23151056
2016-12-23 15:11:07 Fr:16C092 Sq:23151107
2016-12-23 15:11:59 Fr:16C093 Sq:23151159
2016-12-23 15:13:02 Fr:16C094 Sq:23151302
2016-12-23 15:13:35 Fr:16C095 Sq:23151335
2016-12-23 15:13:48 Fr:16C096 Sq:23151348
2016-12-23 15:14:21 Fr:16C097 Sq:23151421
2016-12-23 15:16:47 Fr:16C098 Sq:23151647
These crude dog outlines at the foot of the pedestal are pivoted to move about in the wind and in fact are very effective at scaring away the seagulls
2016-12-23 15:37:31 Fr:16C099 Sq:23153731
2016-12-23 15:41:03 Fr:16C100 Sq:23154103


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