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Madeira - 2009 Apr 20 - May 4

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2009-04-24 19:18:49 Fr:094828 Sq:24191849
See the banks of nasturtiums cascading down the cliff
2009-04-24 19:20:44 Fr:094829 Sq:24192044
fishing boat
2009-04-24 19:21:45 Fr:094830 Sq:24192145
2009-04-24 19:22:20 Fr:094527 Sq:24192220
2009-04-24 19:22:37 Fr:094529 Sq:24192237
2009-04-24 19:23:12 Fr:094831 Sq:24192312

Ribeira Brava
sea front
2009-04-24 20:11:20 Fr:094832 Sq:24201120
2009-04-24 20:12:05 Fr:094530 Sq:24201205
2009-04-24 20:12:43 Fr:094531 Sq:24201243
2009-04-24 20:13:17 Fr:094835 Sq:24201317
2009-04-24 20:15:27 Fr:094838 Sq:24201527
2009-04-24 20:16:23 Fr:094532 Sq:24201623
2009-04-24 20:16:43 Fr:094533 Sq:24201643
2009-04-24 20:19:01 Fr:094534 Sq:24201901
2009-04-24 21:11:33 Fr:094536 Sq:24211133
2009-04-24 21:12:07 Fr:094537 Sq:24211207
Roger was not pleased when the waiter grabbed his camera - probably worried that he would drop it

Pico Alto
2009-04-25 11:26:12 Fr:094538 Sq:25112612
2009-04-25 11:26:50 Fr:094539 Sq:25112650
View over Funchal
2009-04-25 11:27:44 Fr:094540 Sq:25112744
2009-04-25 11:28:46 Fr:094541 Sq:25112846
Cabo Girao?
2009-04-25 11:29:59 Fr:094542 Sq:25112959
2009-04-25 11:33:40 Fr:094543 Sq:25113340
Strange structure - we thought it might be a takoff runway for the "mad German hang gliders" described to us by a local taxi driver.

Ribeiro Frio
fish farm
2009-04-25 12:26:55 Fr:094544 Sq:25122655
2009-04-25 12:30:59 Fr:094545 Sq:25123059
2009-04-25 12:41:37 Fr:094845 Sq:25124137
walk to Balcoes
2009-04-25 12:55:02 Fr:094546 Sq:25125502
2009-04-25 12:56:48 Fr:094547 Sq:25125648
2009-04-25 12:58:15 Fr:094847 Sq:25125815
2009-04-25 13:06:45 Fr:094548 Sq:25130645
2009-04-25 13:10:36 Fr:094849 Sq:25131036
Flowering shrub on side of path - botanists please identify
Balcoes miradouro
2009-04-25 13:27:27 Fr:094549 Sq:25132727
2009-04-25 13:28:22 Fr:094850 Sq:25132822
Tree with small blue birds by the miradouro
2009-04-25 13:29:03 Fr:094550 Sq:25132903
2009-04-25 13:31:26 Fr:094851 Sq:25133126
Branches inspired by chinese brushstoke painting
2009-04-25 13:32:45 Fr:094852 Sq:25133245
Roger on top of the miradouro
2009-04-25 13:33:11 Fr:094551 Sq:25133311
2009-04-25 13:33:49 Fr:094552 Sq:25133349
The photographer photographed
2009-04-25 13:35:25 Fr:094553 Sq:25133525
2009-04-25 13:35:54 Fr:094554 Sq:25133554
2009-04-25 13:39:28 Fr:094555 Sq:25133928
The small blue birds were hopping about looking for crumbs - (ornothologists please identify)
2009-04-25 13:39:47 Fr:094556 Sq:25133947
2009-04-25 13:42:30 Fr:094855 Sq:25134230
Rock plants - (botanists please identify)
2009-04-25 13:50:25 Fr:094557 Sq:25135025
small shrine to Nossa Senhora de Fátima
2009-04-25 14:12:57 Fr:094559 Sq:25141257 2009-04-25 14:12:57 Fr:094559 Sq:25141257 2009-04-25 14:12:57 Fr:094559 Sq:25141257
2009-04-25 14:15:53 Fr:094562 Sq:25141553
more Senhoras
2009-04-25 14:15:57 Fr:094856 Sq:25141557
2009-04-25 14:43:56 Fr:094857 Sq:25144356
Camellia portrait

Lombo do Baixo
2009-04-25 15:15:31 Fr:094858 Sq:25151531
Another bank of nasturtiums by the roadside
2009-04-25 15:18:27 Fr:094565 Sq:25151827
2009-04-25 15:18:54 Fr:094566 Sq:25151854
2009-04-25 15:19:11 Fr:094567 Sq:25151911
2009-04-25 15:23:37 Fr:094569 Sq:25152337

2009-04-25 15:34:44 Fr:094861 Sq:25153444
View looking east
2009-04-25 15:35:41 Fr:094862 Sq:25153541
2009-04-25 15:36:29 Fr:094572 Sq:25153629
2009-04-25 15:38:52 Fr:094864 Sq:25153852
wind and salt hardy wild plants. could they be Madeiran rock orchids?
2009-04-25 15:38:54 Fr:094573 Sq:25153854 2009-04-25 15:38:54 Fr:094573 Sq:25153854 2009-04-25 15:38:54 Fr:094573 Sq:25153854
2009-04-25 15:40:19 Fr:094574 Sq:25154019
2009-04-25 15:40:50 Fr:094866 Sq:25154050
Rocks in the swell of the sea
2009-04-25 15:41:30 Fr:094575 Sq:25154130
2009-04-25 15:41:49 Fr:094576 Sq:25154149
2009-04-25 15:43:14 Fr:094867 Sq:25154314
Wind and salt hardy wild plants - some form of sedum or stonecrop?
2009-04-25 15:43:22 Fr:094577 Sq:25154322
2009-04-25 15:46:20 Fr:094868 Sq:25154620
2009-04-25 15:47:42 Fr:094578 Sq:25154742
2009-04-25 15:48:49 Fr:094870 Sq:25154849
village centre
2009-04-25 15:54:49 Fr:094871 Sq:25155449
Windblown palm
2009-04-25 16:00:38 Fr:094873 Sq:2515551
Domestic detail - all houses have to be multi level
2009-04-25 16:03:34 Fr:094874 Sq:2515552
Garden on a slope
2009-04-25 15:56:36 Fr:094579 Sq:25155636
2009-04-25 15:57:34 Fr:094580 Sq:25155734
2009-04-25 15:58:53 Fr:094581 Sq:25155853
2009-04-25 16:02:55 Fr:094583 Sq:25160255
Nossa Senhora da Natividade or Nossa Senhora do Faial. More Senhoras
2009-04-25 16:04:45 Fr:094584 Sq:25160445
2009-04-25 16:07:41 Fr:094585 Sq:25160741
2009-04-25 16:09:11 Fr:094586 Sq:25160911
2009-04-25 16:10:46 Fr:094587 Sq:25161046
2009-04-25 16:14:09 Fr:094588 Sq:25161409 2009-04-25 16:14:09 Fr:094588 Sq:25161409 2009-04-25 16:14:09 Fr:094588 Sq:25161409
tunnel portal. Tunnel is 3168 metres long
2009-04-25 16:30:19 Fr:094589 Sq:25163019
2009-04-25 16:33:49 Fr:094590 Sq:25163349
2009-04-25 16:35:12 Fr:094591 Sq:25163512
The old bridge which was lost in a storm
2009-04-25 16:37:18 Fr:094592 Sq:25163718
2009-04-25 16:44:34 Fr:094593 Sq:25164434

Porto da Cruz
2009-04-25 17:03:17 Fr:094594 Sq:25170317
American tourists - probably from a cruise ship
2009-04-25 17:06:49 Fr:094595 Sq:25170649
2009-04-25 17:08:04 Fr:094875 Sq:25170804
2009-04-25 17:08:11 Fr:094596 Sq:25170811
2009-04-25 17:09:49 Fr:094876 Sq:25170949
Statue which seems to pay homage to flowers
2009-04-25 17:10:44 Fr:094597 Sq:25171044
2009-04-25 17:12:30 Fr:094598 Sq:25171230
Porto da Cruz was an old fishing harbour, but is now being modernised. We spotted one fishing boat.
2009-04-25 17:12:35 Fr:094879 Sq:25171235
Roger paddling - Madeira doesn't have beaches, only rocks
2009-04-25 17:14:03 Fr:094880 Sq:25171403
Even the palm trees find it hard to thrive in the strong winds
2009-04-25 17:15:06 Fr:094881 Sq:25171506
The photographer photographed
2009-04-25 17:43:29 Fr:094882 Sq:25174329
From inside the cafe with the yellow blinds
2009-04-25 17:49:36 Fr:094603 Sq:25174936
Who is that in the top window?
2009-04-25 17:48:42 Fr:094602 Sq:25174942
Shrek has retired from movies and is now running a cafe in Porto do Cruz!
2010-02-13 08:01:26 Fr:102174 Sq:25175026
2010-02-13 08:01:42 Fr:102175 Sq:25175042
These two pictures are actually 21 Streatham Common South, London, SW16
2009-04-25 17:53:58 Fr:094605 Sq:25175358
2009-04-25 17:54:15 Fr:094883 Sq:25175415
Statue of a flower maiden
2009-04-25 17:55:21 Fr:094884 Sq:25175521
Another multi level house with palms, flowers and several balconies
2009-04-25 17:55:59 Fr:094606 Sq:25175559
2009-04-25 17:56:34 Fr:094607 Sq:25175634
2009-04-25 17:56:36 Fr:094885 Sq:25175636
Bank of rock plants
2009-04-25 17:57:10 Fr:094608 Sq:25175710
2009-04-25 17:58:19 Fr:094886 Sq:25175819
2009-04-25 17:59:31 Fr:094887 Sq:25175931
Strelitzia - Bird of Paradise flower
2009-04-25 18:00:00 Fr:094888 Sq:25180000
Hanging baskets - botanists please identify
2009-04-25 17:52:54 Fr:094604 Sq:25180010
2009-04-25 18:00:31 Fr:094609 Sq:25180031
2009-04-25 18:04:56 Fr:094610 Sq:25180456
2009-04-25 18:06:28 Fr:094612 Sq:25180628
2009-04-25 18:09:34 Fr:094613 Sq:25180700
2009-04-25 18:12:17 Fr:094615 Sq:25180710
2009-04-25 18:17:12 Fr:094619 Sq:25180720
Nossa Senhora do Guadalupe, Porto da Cruz. More Senhoras
2009-04-25 18:15:17 Fr:094617 Sq:25180830
Looking east
2009-04-25 18:07:29 Fr:094890 Sq:25180910
Botanists please identify
2009-04-25 18:07:57 Fr:094891 Sq:25180920
Tree in churchyard
2009-04-25 18:09:30 Fr:094893 Sq:25180930
2009-04-25 18:10:04 Fr:094894 Sq:25181004
Rose portrait
2009-04-25 18:11:03 Fr:094614 Sq:25181103
2009-04-25 18:13:51 Fr:094895 Sq:25181351
Public sculpture
2009-04-25 18:15:03 Fr:094896 Sq:25181503
Pergola with palm tree
2009-04-25 18:16:27 Fr:094618 Sq:25181627
2009-04-25 18:17:01 Fr:094897 Sq:25181701
Pergola and trumpet vine
2009-04-25 18:18:35 Fr:094898 Sq:25181835
Agapanthus grow large and wild in Madeira
2009-04-25 18:22:03 Fr:094620 Sq:25182203
Sea arch
2009-04-25 18:30:24 Fr:094899 Sq:25183024
Roger on the rocks
car park
2009-04-25 18:44:31 Fr:094901 Sq:25184431

Canico de Baixo
2009-04-25 19:17:54 Fr:094621 Sq:25191754
2009-04-25 19:18:34 Fr:094622w Sq:25191834
2009-04-25 19:32:10 Fr:094902 Sq:25193210
Another bank of wild nasturtiums
2009-04-25 19:36:06 Fr:094903 Sq:25193606
2009-04-25 19:50:58 Fr:094629 Sq:25195058
The Porto Santo ferry
2009-04-25 19:54:10 Fr:094635 Sq:25195410
2009-04-25 20:42:12 Fr:094637 Sq:25204212
Possibly the Vision of the Seas


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