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Just some RWH personal pics

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Wedding of George and Maria
2019-05-01 14:19:06 Fr:195348 Sq:01141906
George P. Haworth and Maria C. Rujea got married on 2019 May 01 in Croydon Registry Office
2019-05-01 14:34:42 Fr:195351 Sq:01143442
2019-05-01 14:36:41 Fr:195352 Sq:01143641
2019-05-01 14:41:42 Fr:195356 Sq:01144142
2019-05-01 14:45:07 Fr:195357x Sq:01144507
George and Maria embracing outside Croydon Quaker Meeting House where George's parents Roger W. Haworth and Lesley J. Webster were married forty years earlier

2016-10-02 16:36:18 Fr:16AT46 Sq:02163618
2016-10-02 17:26:08 Fr:16AT47 Sq:02172608
2016-10-02 17:26:31 Fr:16AT48 Sq:02172631
2016-10-02 17:30:14 Fr:16AT49 Sq:02173014
2016-10-02 17:32:51 Fr:16AT50 Sq:02173251
2016-10-02 17:37:12 Fr:16AT51 Sq:02173712

King’s Cross St Pancras
2016-10-07 12:07:11 Fr:16AT54 Sq:07120711
Which way to British Rail trains?

Houghton to St Ives, Cambridgeshire
2016-10-07 14:32:18 Fr:TL2872_T56 Sq:07143218
2016-10-07 14:39:13 Fr:TL2871_T57 Sq:07143913
2016-10-07 14:42:44 Fr:TL2871_T58 Sq:07144244
2016-10-07 15:03:59 Fr:TL2871_T60 Sq:07150359
2016-10-07 15:18:26 Fr:TL2871_T61 Sq:07151826
2016-10-07 15:37:08 Fr:TL2871_T62 Sq:07153708
2016-10-07 15:37:23 Fr:TL2871_T63 Sq:07153723

2016 Nov 08
2012-07-23 14:27:33 Fr:127726xt Sq:102
Brian Skeet mysteriously transported to Cannery Row, Monterey, California.
On 2016 Nov 08 California voters were asked a much more important question than "who should be president": "should plastic bags be banned in California". They agreed that they should be banned.
But presumably people who already have bags will be allowed to keep them.
2019-10-12 12:17:23 Fr:19A031 Sq:12121723
2017-02-03 16:30:56 Fr:104239 Sq:150
But far more important than than the election of an improbable president was what happened next morning - the first fatal tram accident in the UK since 1959. Sending shivers down the spine in our family because we have all travelled in a tram along that particular bit of track. (Photo by Jim Bennett ripped off from this page in The Sun.)


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