George Haworth - The Legend | Why we were in Romania: the Wedding || RWH galleries on this site | RWH home

Romania - 2019 Oct - apart from the wedding

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Meal in La Shaorma restaurant
2019-10-18 16:13:11 Fr:19A466 Sq:18161311
Stepping outside this is what we see. If Hollywood can do it, then Rasnov can!

In Rasnov
2019-10-18 16:18:44 Fr:19A467 Sq:18161844
2019-10-18 16:20:30 Fr:19A468 Sq:18162030
2019-10-18 16:20:30 Fr:19A468fx Sq:18162031
Google stylised version
2019-10-18 17:04:07 Fr:19A469 Sq:18170407
2019-10-18 17:04:16 Fr:19A470 Sq:18170416


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