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The Bridge Mark and other City of London related topics

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Possibly stitchable images
2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338 Sq:bm4311620
2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621 2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621 2007-01-31 16:20:14 Fr:tq8678_338ho Sq:bm4311621

2007-02-07 14:35:15 Fr:tq7671_058 Sq:bm407143515
2007-02-07 14:35:27 Fr:tq7671_059 Sq:bm407143527

2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427 Sq:bm1802 2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427 Sq:bm1802 2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427 Sq:bm1802
2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427wp Sq:bm18025 2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427wp Sq:bm18025 2009-06-17 18:06:20 Fr:tq3280_427wp Sq:bm18025

2009-06-17 18:48:48 Fr:tq3380_436 Sq:bm184848
2009-06-17 18:49:02 Fr:tq3380_437 Sq:bm184902

2009-07-08 18:07:26 Fr:tq3180_073 Sq:bm1230
2009-07-08 18:07:43 Fr:tq3180_074 Sq:bm1233

2010-06-22 19:43:28 Fr:tq8585_260 Sq:bm422194328
2010-06-22 19:43:40 Fr:tq8585_261 Sq:bm422194340


Bridge House Estates article in Wikipedia | Coal Tax Posts - the other City logo | RWH galleries on this site | RWH holiday snaps | RWH home
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