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RHaworth image uploads to Wikimedia Commons

Category:Images by Roger W Haworth contains 1021 files of which 190
(towards the end of the list) are marked {{Check categories-Geograph}}.
Sorted by gallery (full details)
3072×2304 pixels 107086
Wylam railway station 086.jpg
2010-07-29 01:58:26
2048×1536 pixels 107087
Wylam railway station 087.jpg
2010-07-29 02:00:30
2048×1536 pixels 087218
Alwen Reservoir 218.jpg
North Wales
2008-08-13 01:21:47
2048×1536 pixels 087208
Corwen Workhouse 208.jpg
North Wales
2008-07-15 02:44:08
1280×960 pixels 087227
Denbigh Castle 227.jpg
North Wales
2008-07-15 04:03:31
1200×1600 pixels SH8730_284 Edwards 284.jpg
North Wales
2006-07-31 02:05:36
Owen Morgan Edwards and Ifan ab Owen Edwards in Llanuwchllyn
2048×1536 pixels 087203
Horseshoe Falls 203.jpg
North Wales
2008-07-14 00:45:52
1600×1200 pixels SH7507_195 King George's Fields SH7507 195.jpg
North Wales
2006-08-02 23:10:37
see King George in filename listing
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New Commons uploads found:
MySQl error: Incorrect datetime value: '' for column `client145042_photo`.`uploads`.`uploadon` at row 1
from query: INSERT INTO `uploads` (`filnam`,`uploadon`) VALUES ('Docklands Light Railway - conductor rail.jpg','')
INSERT INTO `uploads` (`filnam`,`uploadon`) VALUES ('Docklands Light Railway - conductor rail.jpg','')
did not work!