f= parameter being a file name"); if (($j1=strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],'/vhosts/'))!==FALSE) { $vhroot=substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0, $j2=strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],'/',$j1+9)+1); $patherr=" The PHP processor at UKCheapest has a weird querk: it blows with a message of
\"you don't have permission ...\" if there is  ../../  anywhere in the request string.
So the filename must be specified relative to the root of the virtual host.
Thus for this script itself you would specify:  f=". substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],$j2) . "

\n"; } $filnam=(!$j1 ? $_REQUEST['f'] : substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],0,$j2) . $_REQUEST['f'] ); $stat1=stat($filnam); if (!$stat1) exit("{$patherr}$filnam : not found
\n". "you may add &rev for reverse action"); # echo "
". var_export($stat1,true);

    $_g['in'][]= "";
    $newf=implode((substr($_SERVER['OS'],0,3)=='Win') != isset($_REQUEST['rev']) ? 
                                                                        "\r\n" : "\n",$_g['in']);
    # but stat($filnam) does not change ! at least as far as 'size' goes

    echo "$filnam : ". ($ns 
             ? ($ns==$stat1['size'] ? "unchanged" : "{$stat1['size']} → {$ns} bytes")
             : "no action - probably write protected");
