= '. ($seq - .0001) .' order by seq limit 1'); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sres); $eltim=microtime(TRUE); $page= http_get($row['testurl']); $eltim=microtime(TRUE)-$eltim; if (isset($_GET['diag'])) { echo str_replace("\n",'
',$http_header) ."Modified to:

\n"; } $h=explode("\r\n\r\n",$http_header); $http_header=$h[count($h)-2]; /* The new http_get using cURL returns all the headers when it follows a redirect. We want only the last one. The last array item returned by explode will be a null string. We assume there will always be at least two lines in the header to allow the strpos below to work. */ if (isset($_GET['diag'])) { echo str_replace("\n",'
',"$http_header\n\n") . $page; exit(); } do { if (strpos(substr($http_header,0,strpos($http_header,"\n")),' 200 ')==0) { $pnam='httperr'; break; } if (strpos($page,$row['testring'])==0) { $pnam='corrupt'; break; } $pnam=( $eltim>2.1 ? 'slow' : 'ok' ); } while (FALSE); if (!($png=@file_get_contents($pnam .'.png'))) { $errmess="Cannot find $pnam"; exit; } header('Content-Type: image/png'); echo $png; mysql_free_result($sres); mysql_close($dhn); exit(); } /* main() --------------------------- */ require_once('../incl/http_get.php'); require_once('../incl/photinc.php'); # ++++ calls logit() so needs to be placed after the s= branch. if (isset($_GET['s'])) { test1site($_GET['s']); } # But logit() closes the database so we must re-open it ... $dhn=open_photdb(); $titext='Status check of all RWH sites'; /* I tried the above. " <?php echo $titext; ?>
'; $sres= mysql_query('select * from sites order by seq'); $firstdet=TRUE; while (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sres))!=FALSE) { echo ''; if (strlen($row['sechead'])>0) { echo ''; } else { echo ' ' : '>') .'\n". ($row['surl_colspa']>1 ? ''; $cscd= $row['surl_colspa']>1 ? $row['surl_colspa'] : 1; # cscd = colspan count down if (--$cscd<=0) echo ''; if (--$cscd<=0) echo ''; if (--$cscd<=0) echo ''; if (--$cscd<=0) echo ''; if (--$cscd<=0) echo ''; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } ?>

'. $titext .'

'. $row['sechead'] .''; $firstdet=FALSE; if (strlen($row['testurl'])>0) { echo ""; } echo "' : '' ). wikilinks($row['siteurl']) .''. wikilinks($row['presmat']) .''. wikilinks($row['preslink']) .''. wikilinks($row['homlink']) .''. wikilinks($row['Googreg']) .''. wikilinks($row['access']) .'
Domaintoolse-mail - all allow Anyname@… (needs re-check)
RHaworth.me.ukfinancial insts. only
RHaworth.medon't use
RHaworth.comdon't use
mikrocosm.com registered by George
Note 1
This column shows whether the site can appear on the Google "dashboard" and, if so whether it can be verified. "n'vable" = not verifiable - no control over root directory.
Note 2
FreeFind login details:
Site URL: http://rhaworth.me/rhaworth.htm
E-mail  : RH@t.n
Note 3
MySpace returns a redirect to Google instead of the expected page. This is because the IP address of the 110MB host is black listed. The "blocked by Wikipedia" link confirms this.
Note 4
I have a set of simg pages: rwh_simg.htm, 2007simg.htm, etc. These provide links to images on The Players of St Peter official website to provide more user-friendly access and to make them visible to Google. Unfortunately they rely on a sid= (search id) parameter which is generated dynamically with each query executed by gallery.php. I do not know how long the table behind gallery.php will remember what a given sid is about. So I use these sids regularly in the hope of preventing them wearing out. But I have now transferred responsibility for this to the Change Detection bots.
Note 5
As at 2011 Dec 6, these two tests are showing HTTP error and OK respectively. But these are because it is looking at the current, incorrect action of these URIs. If and when this domain name is made to act properly, both these should change to showing corrupt.

')+11); $page=substr($page,0,strpos($page,'printfooter')-12); $rckeys= array( ' ', "", " . . ", 'href="/' ); $rcrepl= array( ' ', "\n", "\n… ", 'href="http://rhaworth.editthis.info/' ); echo str_replace($rckeys,$rcrepl,$page); } ?>