{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}: $titext\n"; # varx($_REQUEST); $fn_pref='/var/www/vhosts/'; $fn2=substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'],strlen($fn_pref)); $j=strpos($fn2,"/"); $fn_srvr=substr($fn2,0,$j); if (!strlen($_REQUEST['f_prev'])) $_REQUEST['f']=substr($fn2,$j+1); if (!($stat=stat($fn_full="$fn_pref$fn_srvr/{$_REQUEST['f']}"))) warn_msg("File not found"); if (strlen($_REQUEST['f_prev']) && $stat) { if (isset($_REQUEST['subts'])) { if ($_REQUEST['f']!=$_REQUEST['f_prev']) warn_msg("File name change. No stamping done"); else { $newtim=strtotime($_REQUEST['t']); $res=false; if ($newtim!=$stat['mtime']) { if ($newtim) $res=(touch($fn_full,$newtim)); # will probably always work even if $newtim zero if ($res) { warn_msg("Time stamp changed"); $stat['mtime']=$newtim; } else { warn_msg("Timestamping to '{$_REQUEST['t']}' failed"); } /* It does appear that stat($fn_full)['mtime'] issued at this point does not reflect the effect of the touch(). And since strtotime() is very relaxed about the formats it accepts, we need to update $stat[] rather than displaying $_REQUEST['t'] as the new timestamp value */ } } } } echo "\n\n". "
$fn_srvr  /". "  ". "\n". "\n". "  ". number_format($stat['size'],0,"."," ") ." bytes\n\n". "
\n". "". "\n". "". "\n\n". "
\n". php_file_date(__FILE__) ."\n\n"; exit; # -------------------------------------- function warn_msg($txt) { echo " $txt 
\n"; }