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United States - 2012 July

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Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden
2012-07-14 19:47:19 Fr:127t12 Sq:14194719
2012-07-14 19:47:49 Fr:127t13 Sq:14194749
2012-07-14 19:51:32 Fr:127t15 Sq:14195132
2012-07-14 20:00:42 Fr:127t16 Sq:14200042
Sphere No. 6 (Sphere within a Sphere), (1963-1965) by Arnaldo Pomodoro in the Hirschhorn Garden.
2005-03-19 17:25:40 Fr:053149 Sq:14200070
Sphere with Sphere (1982-83) by Arnaldo Pomodoro in the grounds of Trinity College, Dublin. See this page for two more Pomodoro links and the rest of our Ireland trip.
2012-07-14 20:02:05 Fr:127t17 Sq:14200205
2012-07-14 20:02:22 Fr:127t18 Sq:14200222
2012-07-14 20:02:59 Fr:127t19 Sq:14200259
2012-07-14 20:08:24 Fr:127t20 Sq:14200824


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