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United States - 2012 July

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Los Alamos
2012-07-24 15:54:12 Fr:127804 Sq:24155412
2012-07-24 16:01:18 Fr:127805 Sq:24160118
2012-07-24 16:09:00 Fr:127806 Sq:24160900
2012-07-24 16:12:55 Fr:127808 Sq:24161255
2012-07-24 16:14:15 Fr:127809 Sq:24161415
2012-07-24 16:15:33 Fr:127811 Sq:24161533
2012-07-24 16:16:26 Fr:127812 Sq:24161626
2012-07-24 16:18:17 Fr:127813 Sq:24161817
2012-07-24 16:18:37 Fr:127814 Sq:24161837
2012-07-24 16:19:19 Fr:127815 Sq:24161919
2012-07-24 16:19:44 Fr:127816 Sq:24161944
2012-07-24 16:32:16 Fr:127817 Sq:24163216

2012-07-24 19:27:20 Fr:127818 Sq:24192720
2012-07-24 19:35:23 Fr:127819 Sq:24193523
2012-07-24 19:35:57 Fr:127820 Sq:24193557
2012-07-24 19:41:53 Fr:127821 Sq:24194153
2012-07-24 19:42:05 Fr:127822 Sq:24194205
2012-07-24 19:43:46 Fr:127823 Sq:24194346
2012-07-24 19:45:15 Fr:127824 Sq:24194515
2012-07-24 19:47:50 Fr:127825 Sq:24194750
2012-07-24 19:48:41 Fr:127826 Sq:24194841
2012-07-24 19:50:15 Fr:127827 Sq:24195015
2012-07-24 19:51:04 Fr:127828 Sq:24195104
2012-07-24 20:01:16 Fr:127829 Sq:24200116
2012-07-24 20:08:48 Fr:127830 Sq:24200848
2012-07-24 20:10:40 Fr:127831 Sq:24201040

Gaviota Pass
2012-07-25 11:23:03 Fr:127832 Sq:25112303
2012-07-25 11:31:00 Fr:127833 Sq:25113100
The Gaviota Tunnel can be seen in the distance. Park service map.
2012-07-25 11:38:15 Fr:127836 Sq:25113815
2012-07-25 11:39:00 Fr:127837 Sq:25113900
See Wikipedia re these bells.

2012-07-25 13:05:06 Fr:127843 Sq:25130506
2012-07-25 13:07:34 Fr:127844 Sq:25130734
2012-07-25 13:10:05 Fr:127845 Sq:25131005
2012-07-25 13:11:24 Fr:127847 Sq:25131124
2012-07-25 13:16:14 Fr:127848 Sq:25131614
2012-07-25 13:19:44 Fr:127849 Sq:25131944
2012-07-25 13:19:59 Fr:127850 Sq:25131959
2012-07-25 13:20:20 Fr:127851 Sq:25132020
2012-07-25 13:38:47 Fr:127853 Sq:25133847
2012-07-25 14:08:44 Fr:127854 Sq:25140844
2012-07-25 14:09:37 Fr:127855 Sq:25140937
2012-07-25 14:11:57 Fr:127856 Sq:25141157
2012-07-25 14:12:21 Fr:127857 Sq:25141221
2012-07-25 14:13:24 Fr:127858 Sq:25141324
Railway station
2012-07-25 14:26:45 Fr:127859 Sq:25142645
2012-07-25 14:32:11 Fr:127860 Sq:25143211
2012-07-25 14:39:28 Fr:127861 Sq:25143928
2012-07-25 14:40:32 Fr:127862 Sq:25144032
2012-07-25 14:48:05 Fr:127863 Sq:25144805
2012-07-25 14:49:49 Fr:127864 Sq:25144949
2012-07-25 14:50:36 Fr:127865 Sq:25145036
2012-07-25 17:03:06 Fr:127886 Sq:251463
2012-07-25 17:05:47 Fr:127887 Sq:25146547
2012-07-25 17:05:58 Fr:127888 Sq:25146558
2012-07-25 17:08:23 Fr:127891 Sq:25146823
0000-00-00 00:00:00 Fr:watertown Sq:251469
2012-07-25 15:02:34 Fr:127866 Sq:25150234
2012-07-25 15:03:12 Fr:127867 Sq:25150312
2012-07-25 15:06:24 Fr:127868 Sq:25150624
2012-07-25 15:16:27 Fr:127870 Sq:25151627
2012-07-25 16:06:22 Fr:127872 Sq:25160622
2012-07-25 16:06:52 Fr:127873 Sq:25160652
2012-07-25 16:14:11 Fr:127875 Sq:25161411
2012-07-25 16:15:29 Fr:127876 Sq:25161529
2012-07-25 16:27:16 Fr:127877 Sq:25162716
2012-07-25 16:27:33 Fr:127878 Sq:25162733
2012-07-25 16:33:24 Fr:12787a Sq:25163324
2012-07-25 16:34:18 Fr:127883 Sq:25163418
2012-07-25 16:35:15 Fr:127884 Sq:25163515
2012-07-25 16:51:44 Fr:127885 Sq:25165144


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