Wedding of George and Maria
George P. Haworth and Maria C. Rujea got married on 2019 May 01 in Croydon Registry Office
George and Maria embracing outside Croydon Quaker Meeting House where George's parents Roger W. Haworth and Lesley J. Webster were married forty years earlier
King’s Cross St Pancras
Which way to British Rail trains?
Houghton to St Ives, Cambridgeshire
2016 Nov 08
Brian Skeet mysteriously transported to Cannery Row, Monterey, California.
On 2016 Nov 08 California voters were asked a much more important question than "who should be president": "
should plastic bags be banned in California". They agreed that they should be banned.
But presumably people who already have bags will be allowed to keep them.
But far more important than than the election of an improbable president was what happened next morning - the
first fatal tram accident in the UK since 1959. Sending shivers down the spine in our family because we have all travelled in a tram along that particular bit of track.
(Photo by Jim Bennett ripped off from this page in The Sun.)
Nag’s Head, Abingdon - 2017 Aug 15
Images mainly by Dave Urry - 178Uxx and Ian Spence - 178Ixx
Ian has his camera set to a ridiculous 14M pixels resolution but it does mean that we can extract the centre of this image and produce this usable image:
We did see an heron on this outing but this one is actually beside one of the Carshalton Ponds
This, by F. S. Ardley, is our 2016 Jul 16 trip
Margaret Thomas funeral
The North - 2018 April
Eric Morecambe (left) and me on the sea front in Morecambe with the Lake District fells behind. See
my comment here: “14 out of 15 of these images give a false impression of the statue - it shown all alone!”.
Another statue which invites audience participation is this one of Tsar Peter the Great in Deptford with an empty chair on the right. See
Jack on his throne and
numerous photos in Google maps.
(Not my image - taken from
here on Geograph, which see for licence terms and interesting history.)
Me paddling in Morecambe Bay.
My sister and I own two fields in Kendal - our parents built their house in a corner of one of them. In my youth I liked to come out and build dams across this stream which runs through the fields.
When I was there the building hiding behind the trees in the middle of this photo was called Kendal Grammar School - it is now called Kirkbie Kendal School and describes itself as a co-ed academy for 11-18 year olds.
The bridge in the foreground is the Romney Road bridge but when I was at school there was a pedestrian suspension bridge at this point. That bridge is now the …
Dockwray Footbridge
The bridge was erected in 1993 on the initiative of Kendal Civic Society. It incorporates part of the structure of the former Romney Footbridge, erected in 1907, and is intended to provide access from west Kendal to the Mintsfeet Industrial Estate and to the schools east of the River Kent.
The bridge was funded and erected by Cumbria County Council with substantial financial assistance from South Lakeland District Council, Kendal Civic Society Building Preservation Trust, Kendal Town Council, the Frieda Scott Trust, the Brian Lancaster Trust, the Pilgrim Trust and from business and private donations.
Kendal Civic Society
When I was at school, having paid close attention in Jake Stobbs’ Physics lessons, I realized that quite limited excitation if applied at the natural frequency of the bridge could get it to swing strongly and I demonstrated it.
Fifty years on, it was the highlight of my day to find that nothing had changed …
Millennium Bridge, London opened and closed the same day because it was wobbling. But I bet at its worst, it did not wobble as much as the Dockwray Bridge.
Coming away from the Reading Beer festival, Brian Skeet and I discovered
this new bridge. It is much stiffer than the Dockwray bridge but with a bit of effort, I was able to induce a noticeable swing.
I have found
Nicolae Romanescu Park in Craiova, Romania which has what they call a "suspended bridge". I hope to visit it and check how much it swings.
And of course the ultimate in wobbly bridges is the
Tacoma Narrows Bridge which opened in 1940 and wobbled itself to destruction in the same year.
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